2022 Schoolwide Minecraft Challenge
Schoolwide Minecraft Challenge
Your challenge this year is to look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, choose a problem that inspires you and craft a solution that may have an impact on our community or better yet, the world.
This challenge is open to all Zanetti students. You must use the Minecraft: Education Edition to for the challenge. There will be four categories to enter: primary grades prek-2, Intermediate grades 3-5, Middle School grades 6-8, and Mix grades Prek-8.
How to Participate in the Challenge:
Open a new world using either a template world or biome world.
Work on your challenge submission using blocks and items in Minecraft Education Edition.
Use a creative world.
When you are finished, you will need to send in a two-minute video walk through of your world explaining your build and all the great features that you have created. Along with stating what sustainable development goal or goals you chose. This will be done in Flipgrid.
Leave the grade level and full name of all participants.
Important Dates
Challenge opens: February 1, 2022
Submissions due: February 28, 2022
No late submissions will be accepted.
More Information:
You may work on the Minecraft project with a team of students by using the multiplayer feature on Minecraft: Education Edition.
There will be prizes.
Winners will be announced in March.
We will have a drop in Minecraft sessions over February vacation to help students.
Our challenge is adapted from: Comox Valley Schools Minecraft Challenge – Learn71