Avatar GIFS
Students are learning to make GIFS using their Avatars that they created on PowerPoint.
(This lesson is an extension to the Avatar lesson.)
Students will know how to create a GIF using PowerPoint slides.
Show a clip-on creating stop motion movies. Stop Motion Video Clip
Explain to students that a GIF is similar to a stop motion movie
Model for students how to change one piece of an avatar on each slide to create a GIF.
Model how to create a GIF using PowerPoint.
Have students create GIF’s and upload it on Padlet.
Teacher Tip:
If you want them to remove their background, click the transparent button. You can have them save the GIF and upload it back into PowerPoint or other platforms with another image behind it or multiple images.
A finished GIF uploaded to Padlet.
Have students create Gifs for a purpose.
We have created GIFs to share with parents for Thanksgiving.
You could create GIFs of the moon cycle, plants, and so much more.