Grace Hopper Timeline Scratch Animation
Students should read numerous resources on Grace Hopper. Here are a few resources that you may want to use.
Grace Hopper video
Grace Hopper Infographic
Grace Hopper Magazine Article
Grace Hopper Picture Book
Next have the students learn about the broadcasting tool on Scratch.
I used this great resource to teach the students about broadcasting.
The students referred to this video when they were stuck on broadcasting.
Broadcasting on Scratch
With their partners the students need to examine all of the resources that they read about and choose three facts that inspired them. They had to explain why these three facts were inspiring to them.
One way to help students figure out how to do broadcasting on Scratch is to have them debug a smaller animation. Here is one that I remixed. They were asked to problem solve with their peers how to add another broadcast to the cat.
Final Project
Using the three facts they are going to build a Grace Hopper Timeline Animation.
Must use broadcasting Tool
Accurate Facts and Images to support Facts
3 Facts
Complete Sentences
Use an event block to activate the animation
Here is a sample of a final project on Scratch. There will be more samples to come.
Have the students remix the example of Grace Hopper and add one more date to the timeline. They can change the dates and images to what they want, but they will have a basic organizer on how to do it.
Resources + Notes:
Grace Hopper video
Grace Hopper Infographic
Grace Hopper Magazine Article
Grace Hopper Picture Book
I used this great resource to teach the students about broadcasting.
The students referred to this video when they were stuck on broadcasting.
This project can be done for any biography that interests you or anytime you want the students to do a timeline.