Ozobot National & State Sites Projects
Ozobot National and State Sites Projects
4th grade students created a travel brochure and an Ozobot Map on their National or State site.
Learn about different landmarks and parks around the USA.
Program the Ozobot to travel to all of the places and interact with them.
Design an informational text that will teach someone else about the site.
Students worked in peers on this project.
They had to do a rough draft on paper that mapped out what they were going to be building.
They needed to:
show where each location was going to be placed
explain the path that the Ozobot was going to take
write down what materials they wanted to use to build each piece (flexibility was given a lot with this)
test out a sample Ozobot path with the coding that they want to use
Cardboard Boxes
Glue Gun
Construction Paper
Pillow Stuffing
Pipe Cleaners
Pom Poms
Popsicle sticks
Wood Glue
Poster Board
Receipt Tape for Ozobot
When the students were ready they had to come up to the materials store with a plan.
They needed to express what they were building and ask for the exact materials that they would need.
They needed to be very specific with what they were asking for. For example, they would have to say I want 15 Popsicles. They were always allowed to ask for more if needed.
It took several days for them to build all of the pieces. They were not given the white poster board at first. They needed to build free standing pieces first.
When they were ready for the boards they were passed out. All of the building had to be done before they were able to do the Ozobot Path.
Ozobot Coding
When the entire project was built they were able to check out the markers and draw out their Ozobot course. The students were required to use at least three codes and they had to interact with each of the different spots on their map. When they were done they were able to try it out with the Ozobot.
Resources + Notes:
This project was spotlighted on the Ozobot Website. July's Creator of the Month Visits National Parks from the comfort of color codes.
This was a collaboration project between the 4th grade team and me.