PowerPoint Avatar 5

Avatar - Who am I?

Students created avatars in PowerPoint to represent themselves.

MA DLCS Standards:

3-5.DTC.a.2 Navigate between local, networked, or online/cloud environments and transfer files between each (upload/download).

3-5.DTC.a.3 Use digital tools (local and online) to manipulate and publish multimedia artifacts.

3-5.DTC.b.2 Collaborate through online digital tools under teacher supervision.

Day 1


  • Students learned how to navigate between the online and desktop version of PowerPoint.

  • Students learned how to give a file name to a PowerPoint

  • Students experimented with different shape tools to have a better understanding of how they work.

Day 2 - How do we create colors that represent who we are?


  • Students will learn how to go into paint format to choose a color that represents who they are.

  • Students will have a basic understanding of RGB.

  • Students will learn to group objects on PowerPoint so that they do not come apart. (Ctrl-G)

  • Students will learn how to layer shapes by right clicking and putting it behind or in front of another shape.

  • Students will learn how to duplicate slides.


  • Review how to access the file in the OneDrive and opening the document in the desktop version.

    Share a video on RGB. https://youtu.be/15aqFQQVBWU (show first 4 min) and have a discussion about what they heard.

  • Model how to change the RGB in PowerPoint to choose a color that represents who they are.

  • Show students the videos that they will be following for this project.

  • Model how PowerPoint works vs Google Slides so they can transfer their understanding of the videos to PowerPoint

  • Model how to create the head and ears, change the color, layer the shapes, and group the shapes.

Teacher Tips

  • Ctrl-G is group and Ctrl-A is Select All - these commands will help the students with creating their avatars. This is unique to PowerPoint.

  • Right Click on the Image and use the behind text button to help layer the Avatars.

  • Desktop Version is a better platform than the online version.


  • Students will have a completed head with ears that are colored a color that represents who they are.

Day 3-6


Students will go at their own pace through the videos making sure to follow them in the order they are shared.


At the end of each day, have a at least on part of the body they need to finish. Knowing that some students may need a little more time.

Day 7


  • Students will learn the difference between JPEG and PNG.

  • Students will learn how to save their avatars with a translucent background on PowerPoint.

  • Students will learn how to keep their files organized.

  • Students will practice positive online communication.


  • Model the difference between JPEG and PNG

  • Discuss why you would want to remove the background of an image.

  • Model with the students how to save an image from PowerPoint without the background.

    • This must be done on the desktop version, by right clicking and hitting the save as option.

    • Making sure it is the correct file that you want to save it as.

  • Model where to save the file so that you are able to find the file again.

  • Have students share their final avatars on PowerPoint and talk to the students about leaving positive feedback on other students’ avatars.


Students will upload their avatar to Padlet with a translucent background.


Create GIFs using their Avatars and PowerPoint

Create animations to express who they are and where they come from using their Avatars and Scratch.


DigiForms - Videos to create avatars

My Digi Coach: March 2021 (mydigicoachs.blogspot.com) - Audra Kaplan’s Blog - Inspired this project.

Being the Change by Sara K Ahmed

Cultivating Genius: An Equity Framework for Culturally and Historically Responsive Literacy: Muhammad, Gholdy